Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How far and when should I prune my roses?

How far and when should I prune my roses?
Dead-heading is a form of pruning, in the summer, that can be done on a day to day basis by the removal of the faded flowers.  Stop removing spent flowers after October 1st, letting the plant form rose hips and allowing the plant to harden off for winter.  Before winter, after a hard frost, shape up the plant as needed, cut back tall canes to reduce their height and prevent them from being whipped in the winter winds.  Mulch around the base for added protection.

In the spring, remove all dead and dying canes.  (They will be dark brown, black or shriveled.)  Also, remove any canes that are smaller than the diameter of a pencil.  Make sure the center of the plant is open enough to where air and light can penetrate easily, taking out any canes that look like they are tangled into one another.
A good rule of thumb for pruning roses in the spring is to prune when the forsythia starts to bloom.

Danville Gardens
1307 Cleary Ave
Danville IL 61832

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